Home Science Scientists turn to garlic to kill deadly bacteria

Scientists turn to garlic to kill deadly bacteria

Scientists turn to garlic to kill deadly bacteria

bacCopenhagen, Feb 19: A promising research into garlic shows that a potent chemical substance in it neutralises resistant bacteria by paralysing their communication system – so strengthening our immune system.

Ajoene – the substance present in garlic – specifically prevents the bacteria from secreting the toxin rhamnolipid that destroys white blood cells within the body.

“White blood cells ar indispensable because they play a vital role within the immune defence system – not solely keeping off infection however also killing bacteria,” explained Tim Holm Jakobsen, from University of copenhagen, Germany.

When bacteria clump along in what’s called biofilm – wherever they surround themselves with a tough film of organic materials – they become resistant to antibiotics.

“Ajoene supports and improves treatment with conventional antibiotics. we’ve clearly demonstrated the effect of them along on biofilm cultivated within the laboratory and in trials involving mice,” added Jakobsen.

Combination treatment with ajoene and antibiotics kills quite ninety p.c of the ordinarily virulent biofilm.

“Garlic contains therefore little ajoene that you would want to eat around fifty a day to achieve the specified result. this means we’ve to choose up the ball from Mother Nature and run with it,” informed Jacobsen.

“If we are to win the race against bacteria, we need to bring new antibiotics into play. Nature may be a nice starting point for developing medicines – two-thirds of all new pharmaceuticals are supported natural substances,” said Jakobsen.

Aggressive multi-resistant infections represent an increasing health problem everywhere the world.

Bacteria are developing resistance at an alarming pace, therefore new pharmaceuticals which will combat this threat are in so demand.


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