Apple cinnamon wontons


applePreparation time: twenty minutes

Cooking time: ten minutes

Serves: 4

Recipe ingredients:

1 cup diced apples

1tbsp butter

1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

1tbsp sugar

12 wonton wrappers

oil to deep fry

Recipe method:

Heat the butter in a pan. when the butter melts.
Add the diced apples and toss for a minute.
Add the sugar and cinnamon powder and saute until the sugar caramelises a little.
Cool and set aside.

Keep a little of the stuffing in the centre of the wonton wrapper.
Seal the edges with water. Fold into a triangle. flip the Triangle halfway and bring the pointed ends along on the opposite side to look like a ring.
Deep fry the wontons.
serve with a fruit compote, honey or fruit sauce of your selection.


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