Home Entertainment Cats, an instant mood lifter for Katy Perry

Cats, an instant mood lifter for Katy Perry

Cats, an instant mood lifter for Katy Perry

katy_with_catLos Angeles, October 26 Singer Katy Perry’s glum mood was changed into a cheerful one when her team found a cat in near space and gave it to her.

Perry, who has continually expressed her love for cats, was cogitate after playing with the animal.

“Katy is a cat fanatic. She completely adores them. She was talking about them lots on the set and at last asked her management if they might find her one.

“It did not take long before a cat was found and brought on set.
Katy happily played with it for about 30 mintues ,” the source said.

Before going back to the feline, she named it.
Katy Perry named it Russell – which everybody assumed was after ex-husband Russell brand,” said a source.


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