Home Business India must tackle higher subsidy spending soon, Chidambaram says

India must tackle higher subsidy spending soon, Chidambaram says

India must tackle higher subsidy spending soon, Chidambaram says

CHIDAMBARAMNEW DELHI: The Indian government can got to rein in payment and cut subsidies to satisfy its business enterprise deficit target, minister of finance P Chidambaram said on Monday, underlining that an asceticism drive won’t be blown off track by an election due next year.

P Chidambaram told Reuters prior to a visit to the US – where one stop are going to be to woo investors on the geographic region – that he won’t enable the deficit to cross a “red line” set at four.8 % of gross domestic product this financial year.

“We’ve issued asceticism directions, it’ll bring US some savings,” he said.


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